GENERAL (Everybody should answer these questions)
Why is it necessary to use alternative energy sources?
Where do toxins come from?
What does alternative energy help us do?
Name some examples of alternative energy sources.
WIND POWER (Only the ones assigned this topic should answer these questions)
What is wind power?
What kind of energy does it produce today?
What other uses do windmills have?
What is a wind farm?
Name the advantages of this energy use.
Name the disadvantages of this alternative energy source.
SOLAR POWER (Only the ones assigned this topic should answer these questions)
5. What is solar energy used for?
6. What do solar panels convert sunlight into?
7. What are mirrors used for?
8. Name the advantages of solar energy.
9. Is there any disadvantage?
10. Where can we see the benefits of solar energy?
GEOTHERMAL ENERGY (Only the ones assigned this topic should answer these questions)
5. What does the word “geothermal” mean?
6. What natural element helps to heat water to produce steam?
7. How can the steam trapped underground shoot up?
8. What is the steam used for?
9. Name the advantages of this energy source.
10. Is there any disadvantage?
HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY (Only the ones assigned this topic should answer these questions)
5. What structure is necessary to produce hydroelectric energy in
6. What natural phenomena is used to produce hydroelectric energy
in the sea?
7. What can electric generators be powered by?
8. Name the advantages of this energy source.
9. Name the disadvantages of this energy use.
10. Can the water be reused?
thank you teacher!